Unfinished objects, that is. This isn't Roswell, after all. It's nothing more than my Olympic challenge: to, shall we say, resolve as many personal UFO mysteries as possible. I just finished Laz's black-and-white sweater (to be modeled and photographed soon), so now I get to face...
...the second mitten of Laz's mitten set, which I just finished knitting but (since I NEVER manage to obediently follow patterns) is DIFFERENT from the first one and so I'll have to go back and do some counting and reknitting and -- feh, it's almost spring (so it'd better fit next winter, if we ever see winter again):

...a nearly finished needle case to house all my double-pointed needles (it would be done except I miscalculated how wide the top of the foldover cover should be, and it doesn't quite work yet):

...another case for my straight needles (I need to resolve the problem above before sewing this one up):

...two pretty hummingbirds (no, not knitting-related, but I want to finish these!), awaiting beaks (what to use -- wire? carved wood? the pattern calls for dyed toothpicks but that just seems tacky) and embellishment with embroidery, beads, and other fancy stuff:

...and, the dog of the lot, a sheep that just isn't working (that pattern issue again):

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