Thursday, February 26, 2004


Lazarus pulls his hat on now before we go out the door -- just like Papa:

Eating today -- gettin' better with the spoon:

You want ME to do your taxes???

And here's one of my favorites, from one year ago yesterday, when we traveled to a remote place in New Mexico for a break that has turned into a lifetime:

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Pictures to follow, I promise...

Just found my camera and will take some pictures today.

But I had to post this -- step aside, al-Qaeda, you've met your match:

"The NEA [National Education Association, the nation's largest teacher's union] is a terrorist organization."
--Rod Paige, education secretary for G.W. Bush

Sign me up, baby.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Picture fest (with just a short rant)

I hope this trend of states resisting Bush's No Child Left Behind nonsense continues -- the only way to change something is to oppose it, actively. Give courage to others considering the same action.

As promised, the picture fest!

Mmmmm, hot dogs.....

What? You gotta problem wit' dat?

More outside playtime:

Look what grandma made for MEEEEEEEEE!!!

Whaddaya mean this one isn't for me? Who else could it be for?

Saturday, February 14, 2004

I looked down in the trash can. The trash can at the bottom I could see was filled with some cardboard packing material, including the kind of nylon-type straps and maybe some bubble packing. On top of that was a page or two of standard white, low-grade packing-type paper. And on top of that is this little, loosely thrown or tossed group of pages, standard 8 1/2--by-11-size pages and I guess what struck, what got my interest, was on the top page at the top of it was a handwritten entry in a standard form with the name "Bush," comma, "George W," comma, "On Lt." That was in pen ink entry. That intrigued me. It concerned me, looking back at it, I knew initially that it bothered me that was in the trash can. It struck me pretty hard initially. The total number of pages I've estimated were between 20 and 40 pages.
-- Retired Texas Air National Guard Officer Bill Burkett, speaking to of an incident that occurred in Spring 1997

God bless and protect the whistle-blowers.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

"Eighty percent of the nation's property -- land, stocks, bonds -- is now in the hands of 10 percent of the people: the 13,000 richest families have a net worth equivalent to the assets owned by the poorest 20 million people."
--Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose, "Bushwhacked"

I can't do much these days -- feeling breathless and tired -- but at least I have some good reading material thanks to a friend's bountiful library. Gotta read, rest, stay calm... I just have to make it to Friday -- 35 weeks -- and then I won't have to get transported up to Albuquerque (now 114 miles away) for the birth. I was fixated on birthing prematurely with Lazarus, too, so I keep telling myself to relax and stop obsessing over it.

It was sunny and close to 50 degrees out yesterday... and we finally managed to get outta the house! Lazarus was, to put it bluntly, a pain in my butt all morning (he's testing boundaries a lot these days and probably has figured out that I'm not terribly mobile), but a nap, lunch, and some time outside playing in the dirt and watching the dogs wrestle cheered him up a lot. Me too.