and Lazarus is running around playing with the grown-up toys -- he looks so serious when he picks up the phone, like he's calling his stockbroker or something (he's just listening to the dial tone -- I don't think he's managed to dial a real place yet):

We're going for another walk this afternoon with Christine and Jai, and this time I might see how Maggie does in the stroller with the snuggler support Mom got for her. Jai might object to riding separately, though -- he likes being with his buddy "La-la." It's so interesting to watch them learn how to play together and try to work out rudimentary social skills.
I hope this great weather holds up. Everyone says we're supposed to be in wind-tunnel mode by now, so we'll enjoy it while we can. I've already seen some trees (cherry? peach?) starting to bloom (though they won't likely fruit, if we get the usual mid-spring hard frost to knock them out), and people report that gardens in Socorro are already budding and blooming. We have lots of new birds, too. I'm hearing songs I haven't heard all winter, and even Lazarus notices all the activity -- he points up at the trees and says "eee-eeee," and gets excited when a small flock passes overhead. God do I love spring.
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