(from http://www.nationalphilistine.com/baghdad/index2.html)
I don't know what else to say, so I hope this fellow blogger doesn't mind me linking directly to his amazingly eloquent view of current events. A taste: "Watch a country being bombed into dust over your morning coffee and afternoon snacks.... Think nothing of what has taken place except another necessary step to protect our elitism. Feel better knowing that blood has been shed for no other reason that to flex a national muscle. Kill, cleanse, repeat."
What I'm doing right now: working (well, not), listening to Laz clank his bells and blocks together, and half-watching Sesame Street with him. Right now, kids are talking about their favorite toys -- a bunny, a dinosaur, a doll... Hey, kids, let's ask Dubya and his pals what their favorite toys are!
Dubya: My favorite toy is my brother's ballot box set because it makes lots of noise and I can take all the paper out of it and rip it into shreds!
Asscraft: Um, my favorite toy is, um, the Bill of Rights. I like tearing things up, too. It's fun to throw the itty bitty pieces up in the air and watch them fall.
OverTheRidge: I like playing with my dad's duct tape, but I like my posterboard best because it has lots of pretty colors on it and people get scared when I point to the red and orange sections.
Rummyface: I have so many toys I don't know which one is my favorite... well, maybe my G.I. Joe action figures, cuz they have big feet and can stomp all over those sissy dolls my dumb sister plays with. I also like my toy gun, except it won't shoot real bullets.
Dang it. No more TV for me today.
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