Thursday, September 05, 2002

Hey pretty baby don't you know it ain't my fault, I love to hear the steel belts hummin' on the asphalt...

Laz and I are back from our big road trip, and once again the little guy gets big points for being an awesome traveler. He's a road-tripper just like his mama! We drove from Philly to western Massachusetts on Tuesday and came back today, taking the scenic route up through New York state (we Angelenos are tough drivers, but I won't take on the New York City area...). Maria and her family just loved da baby, and I got this nice photo of him with mama in front of Maria's meadow. Maria's kids are awesome... I have so much to look forward to!

I told Maria that I realized the other day that we've known each other for half our lives -- her reply: "Man we're old." Nah, just wiser. Heh.

Laz is still a ways from sitting up on his own, but when I prop him up, he doesn't just smush over anymore, either. What, another photo?!?

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