Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Betcha by golly wow, you're the one that I've been waiting for, forever...

Yeah, I'm smitten with Lazarus... motherhood seems to be the one thing I'm doing right these days, and I'll take that while it lasts.

We went to Three Bears Park yesterday and today -- I walked through that park countless times when I lived in Philly and always gazed longingly at the kids playing on the swings and slides and clamboring over the bears... Laz really seemed to enjoy himself, both on the walk over and back (where he gazed up at the trees, fascinated by the intricate patterns of leaves and branches and sunlight) and at the park, where he intently watched the kids at play. Mom came with me today, and we posed Laz on the bears, in the swing (which he was unsure of at first, but got the hang of with me holding him), and on the bench with Grandma. All too soon he'll be a big guy toddling along with the other kids... but I love watching him learn how to focus his gaze, reach for things, blow spit bubbles -- the important things in life.

We saw more family on Sunday, and aunt Nancy gave Laz a fuzzy rabbit that Laz just loves... Look what the bunny does when I pull his ear, ma -- aaahhh, attack of the killer rabbit!!! -- heh heh, just kidding!

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