Thursday, July 18, 2002

Just found an online palmistry site - yet another wonderful Web diversion. It's kinda cool - here's what it says about me:

Your Life Line reveals that you like to travel, but will always return home. You need a lot of space which is why you prefer spending time outdoors. You tend to have strong romantic tendencies. [dead-on accurate, I'd say]

Your Head Line reveals that you lack confidence, but have a sense of grievance. You carry a chip on your shoulder, but will vent this emotion through participating in political activities. [me, vent????]

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. [huh?] You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition. [aw, shucks!]

Your Fate Line reveals that you will have an early and independent start to your career, and will be successful in your life's work. [uh... still working on what that "life's work" is...]

You have an Air hand. You are a person who is independent, intellectual, analytical and unpredictable. Your optimal career choices are to work as a writer, psychiatrist, scientist, detective and teacher. [sounds good to me... hmm... hadn't considered the detective option...]

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