Thursday, July 18, 2002

News flash: For CEOs, It's a Lot Lonelier at the Top. Yeah, people are mad at CEOs these days - Wet Seal CEO Kathy Bronstein tells the LA Times that on a recent vacation in Hawaii, "'I was embarrassed to tell people I was a CEO,' she said. 'It's like being a big sinner.'"

Well, boo-frickin'- hoo. Guess what, people - it's lonely at the bottom, too. Who ya gonna call when you need help? George W. ain't returning your calls, and neither is your congressman because now you're in the "liabilities" column in his district and won't be ponying up any fat campaign contributions.

The story continues: "'Clearly it's open season on CEOs now,' said William Clay Ford Jr., chairman and chief executive of Ford Motor Co. 'But the broad brush with which everybody is tainted isn't really justified.'" Sounds like a plea for a "Be Kind to CEOs" campaign. Dude, if you'd restructure your compensation scale so that no one earned more than, say, seven times what the lowest-paid worker earns, then I'd feel bad if the public scorned you. Until then, you can bite my unemployed butt.

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