We're back from our camping/deer hunting trip -- no carcasses in tow -- and it feels so dang good to be home. It was a good trip, with perfect daytime weather (nights hit about 30 degrees, though, which makes my cold-hating butt near-miserable). Laz and Maggie did really, really well, and Lucy is an awesome camp dog. As always, Antonio was an amazing outdoorsman. I even did okay, after three cups of strong coffee each morning. I don't sleep well in the great outdoors, no matter what the weather, so mornings can be a bit dicey for me (always have been -- just ask my mom and dad what I was like on our family camping trips), and having to take care of two toddlers with few conveniences on hand hardly helped. But we did well, and although our area seemed completely and strangely devoid of wildlife and thus a terrible hunting ground, it was a good trip.
Here are some highlights -- Laz and Maggie in their play tent:

And these are from our very best day (according to Lazarus, and I'd have to agree), when I took the kids for a wonderful hike in the deep forest:

I really look forward to camping with them again, though not till next summer when the days are longer and the nights warmer, and one or both kids are out of diapers....
The final highlight of the trip: I got a flat tire on the way home (I drove the kids in the 4Runner; Antonio took his truck and went home by a different route), and changed it by myself, in the fast-closing dusk, with two tired, boogery, poopy, hungry kids on hand. I was just finishing up when a state policeman pulled up to see if we were okay. Yay me.
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