Thursday, July 14, 2005

Big. Splinter. Ow. Ow.

Okay, okay, I'll wear real shoes outside from now on. I got not one but two big splinters -- nay, spears -- driven into my right foot this afternoon, and not only did (do) they hurt like hell, I no longer have health insurance. Heh. The first one came right out, being a rather cleanly shorn hardwood fragment, but the second one (which came a mere 20 minutes after I cleaned and slapped a band-aid on the first, then put my flip-flops back on to go finish my yard work) -- holy &#^%. It's all out now, all the nasty disintegrating pine fragments, and both holes have been duly cleaned, disinfected, and covered. I used Laz's neon bandages (I asked his permission, and he was happy to oblige), and tonight he said, "Mama has TWO bad owwies on her foot!"

Yep, Mama's a slow learner.

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