My sweet boy had his second birthday on Thursday. I have to admit that we didn't really do anything to celebrate; I have lots of presents for him (since I spoil him so much, you know), waiting in Christine's barn, but I don't feel inspired to have a party till after we move (since I'm such an uncaring, neglectful mother, you know). I did hug him and kiss him and tell him "happy birthday" all day... but we also had to go to the doctor to see about a bump at the outer edge of his left eyebrow. (I could have waited till next week, but I was worried.) Doc said let's operate, so yesterday I took him to the hospital to have it removed... they had to put him under, and it took the whole day (including recovery) rather than the hour or two I'd anticipated, but it turned out to be two sebaceous cysts, completely harmless. No, not a brain tumor (not that I was worried about that or anything). He's fine now, though he does have some ugly swelling around his eye. Looks like he was in a bar brawl -- oops, I mean a schoolyard scuffle. No, there's lots of swelling and dark bruising, and his bandage has a spot of blood on it, so I think that's bar brawl level. And it was hard seeing him in that little hospital gown... eerie, I guess. I'm incredibly superstitious about weird stuff like that.
Anyway, we'll celebrate after we move into the new house, which will be a week from tomorrow. I'm beyond excited. A bit scared (mainly that somethine else will pop up at the last minute to kill the deal) but still dreaming about having my own home again. I keep my large collection of seed packets right here on my work table just to remind me that it won't be much longer till I'm gardening again. And no longer living IN A TRAILER 14 MILES OUT OF TOWN. (Yeah, the "camping-out" fantasy has worn thin.)
I wanted to put up pictures of Lazarus over the past two years... so here goes.
His first day:
Kissy face:
With grandma:
Morning (just before he outgrew the basket Maggie now sleeps in):
With mama:
First Christmas, in Denver:
Da king of bongo:
First birthday:
Hot summer day:
At the springs:
At the beach (Atlantic side):
Second Christmas, in New Mexico:
On the road again:
London calling:
The lil' dude:
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