Yay for me!
He'll be a "real" toddler any day now. He's still our little guy, though.
We drove down to Socorro today, almost 2000 feet lower than Magdalena, and it was sunny and quite mild, perfect walking-around weather. We stopped in at a bookstore (alas, one going out of business next week) and I picked up some great kids' books for Lazarus while he picked up the two ladies chatting at the counter. He's such a flirt, batting his long eyelashes and flashing his dimple-faced smile, and cheering up anyone within view.
Sorry to say I didn't get any Halloween pictures -- we had a good time at Christine's, with lots of cool people and good food (including roast lamb that was superb), but I felt like crap that day, and the photo session never happened. I think Christine got some pix, though. Laz went as a hunter, decked out in the fleece-lined camo flannel jacket and pants I made him, plus his papa's camo hat. No, hunters are not "cool" out there in the world, but people here (including Antonio this week, with Christine and Omar, and next week with his uncle, for deer) hunt for FOOD so the freezer won't go bare in mid-January (or mid-November, our current track). Anyway, Lazarus looked cute and got lots of admiration, especially from the hunter-guy crowd (some of whom are smart and cool, and don't actually have gun racks or confederate flags on their trucks). We would have gone on this week's hunting trip, his outfit and all, but he got a cold and a weird cough, so we're home playing it safe and keeping that king-sized bed toasty warm all by ourselves.
Oh, I just found another picture: Mama, isn't it lunchtime yet?

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