Thursday, October 30, 2003

Pumpkin massacre

We got out today (always a miracle)! Christine invited Lazarus and me over to help her and Jai carve a pumpkin -- she and I did most of the work, but the little guys definitely did their part:

Jai loved scooping...

whereas Laz just wanted to get his hands on the pumpkin guts...

uh-oh, here comes mama...

Yes, that's Lazarus -- supposedly the calm one -- with pumpkin guts all over his pants. He was totally engrossed in the texture and kept picking up handsful of the stuff to examine more closely. He particularly liked the globs with lots of seeds clinging to the stringy goo. Jai just watched him, transfixed. They're gonna be a pair when they get older... Jai (the energetic, impulsive one) will lead them toward trouble, and then Laz (the steady, straight-ahead one) will get them both really deep into it.

No, not really. They're both angels and will always stay that way.

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