Predictably, this news stuff has me all riled up, probably because I don't see the WMD (weapons of mass destruction) lies and cover-up getting the attention they deserve from the mainstream media. Yesterday's top story, flashed all over TV and print news outlets: Kobe Bryant (basketball star for the LA Lakers) might go to jail for sexual assault. Dubya et al. lied and continue to lie, soldiers (and Iraqis) continue to die, world resentment toward US actions and policies continue to mount, but that's second (or third, or seventh) fiddle to a frickin' sports star who got his ass in hot water. People say Americans have their priorities wrong, putting celebrities and sports stars ahead of important world events -- the media have their priorities wrong, and I really believe that if they put 1/10th of the effort into reporting the truly important stories as they do digging up and embellishing the fluff bullsh** they call "entertainment/lifestyle news" we might actually have a more informed citizenry instead of a country full of glassy-eyed dumbasses who couldn't point Afghanistan out on a world map if it had a big red arrow marking it. But, oh yeah, big money owns the media, and an informed public is a rabble-rousing public, so let's feed them kettle corn and rot their brains so they'll keep quiet and keep spending lots of money looking for fulfillment.
*Sigh.* This post was going to be "on the lighter side" -- a woman in my condition shouldn't be getting all worked up. Let me at least end on a lighter note, and post some pictures (sorry you had to wait a few days and wade through my rants, mom).
Lazarus is really and truly crawling now -- even though I know my days of parking him are over, I'm thrilled. And so is he -- suddenly he can look at things close up when he wants to. This morning I enticed him away from the kitchen step with a big blue cup -- here he comes:
Yes, our back room is lovely, with its concrete, carpet-remnant-covered floor and half-finished walls. Note to self: bug Antonio tomorrow about covering up those holes so Lazarus can't crawl into the laundry room and eat cat poop out of the litter box....
Thanks, ma.
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