Saturday, January 11, 2003

Lazarus and I took off for Philly today to see Grandma and Grandpa -- it's already been four months since they last saw him. And what a four months it has been... well, I've gone on and on and on about events in the past few months, so I'll just leave it at that. I'm hoping the change of scenery will do me some good -- this winter rut is getting deeper and muckier.

This was Laz's second cross-country flight, and did great, again. He had his mama to entertain him, and just in case he got tired of me I brought a few props -- mardi gras beads, the two little Audubon birds his papa bought him at the airport, and, of course, his binky to help him pop his little ears. And my camera --

Here goes the airplane: wwwvvvvoooosssshhhh...

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