Thursday, August 22, 2002

okay, this is supposed to be a soapbox and I'm taking muppets quizzes and mooning over my baby. and I got my dsl back and have to make up for lost time! so I'm surfing... check this out before your next mall/Target/BabiesRUs expedition:

Behind the Label

wonder where those $12 pants come from (guilty)? or the adorable $4.99 baby onesies with booties (guilty)? wanna know where to get stuff made by fairly compensated adults, not slave-wage kids? look behind the label to get the real story... I've mouthed off about this before but am still buying cheap stuff that's cheap not cuz it's used or trash but because someone didn't get paid what they should have to make it. and that someone isn't the store selling the stuff, or the distributor/importer bringing the stuff over from whatever place they've managed to find yet another exploitable cheap labor source. I'm starting to get more stuff in thrift stores and feel a bit better about buying "recycled" goods, but still...

and while I'm up on that soapbox, here's a great quote I just found:

Profit is unpaid labor. Profit denies that resources are limited. Profit denies its connection to the disposal of waste. Profit relies on blindness to connections, consequences, and responsibility.

Can I get an amen. Okay, off to bed.

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