Monday, March 13, 2006

The days of poop and vomit

Nice title, huh? I'm not feeling very nice today, after several weeks of someone or another (including me) being nastily sick. By nasty, I mean messy -- I have so much laundry to do -- and sticky and stinky. Poor Miss Maggie is the latest to hit the sickbed, and by herself has generated at least two loads of laundry in the past two (now going on three) days of, well, I needn't elaborate. The good news is that the wretched gusting howling winds have finally abated, so I can hang laundry and know it'll still be there when it dries, not a mile away flapping in tatters from someone else's barbed wire fence. Lucky, lucky me.

I don't like posting without putting up a picture of something I've been up to lately, but it has been a LONG day, and I still have to do our taxes. (Well, get them ready for the tax guy to do them, bless his heart, because God knows how much I HATE wrangling over taxes especially with a home business and all the other stuff we have going on.) (Anyhoo.) (Pictures tomorrow.)

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