I made this using memory wire, sterling silver beads and wire, riverstone (the creamy white beads), and turquoise (real, not chalk or howlite). Yes, I made every one of those little turquoise chain loops. I'm rather pleased with how it turned out -- it's way too nice for me, so I'll put it up for sale along with my slowly growing stash of other FINISHED objects. I just became a charter member of the Magdalena Arts Cooperative, and we open a gallery in April -- we're a dozen or so, all local, with quite varied works and styles. I'll have quilted, knitted, beaded, and mixed-media stuff in there, and I'm also on the publicity committee which means -- oh, I have an article to write about us by tomorrow. Which is why I came upstairs and turned the computer on, two hours ago....
Okay, enough of the glamorous life... Miss Maggie is feeling better today -- no throwing up, she's eating a bit, and she's not as cranky or sad as she was earlier this week. Lazarus was throwing up all day Tuesday, and with two pukers on hand (and feet, and sofa and bed and rug) I just about came to the end of my rope. The laundry -- God, with the winds howling too much for safe linedrying, it started piling up on the kitchen floor. The FLOOR. Appalling. I washed and hung four loads today and folded four more I'd managed to get out yesterday, and I just have two or three more loads... as long as no one starts throwing up again.
Yes. The glamour never ends.