Yes, it really is THAT pink. And the little hoodie -- isn't that elegant? I love how it hides the spaghetti/milk/salad dressing melange that Maggie seems to prefer over more traditional hair treatments.
That sheep from the previous post now has a full body and face and just needs legs, a tail, and ears. It's... chunky. But Maggie loves it already, so I won't fret the aesthetics. I managed to almost completely subvert the original pattern (albeit with a few trials and errors), which unfortunately just emboldens me to continue flouting established conventions.... Oh well. I'm being "creative."
Speaking of creative, here's a term that's new to me: unitary executive. I can't think of a better term to describe the tyranny of King George. But. If we impeach Dubya, that leaves us with Big Dick, who... would probably just come out and declare that he's the King now. So we gotta nail him, too, but how likely or possible is that? Last week, Daily KOS' attytood asked, "Could Congress impeach and remove Bush and Cheney at the same time? Doubtful, and if they tried, it would surely be viewed by the vast political middle as major overkill, regardless of the 'justice' involved.
"What's more, that would put House Speaker Dennis Hastert -- a man who seems to have little interest in the important job he holds now -- in the White House. Does anyone -- Hastert included -- want that?"
Sheesh. At least Tom DeLay is out of that picture. And that's enough of this nonsense for today -- it's back to knitting and child-tending for me.
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