Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Post-Christmas Bliss

We had a very nice Christmas, and although I didn't make half the gifts I'd hoped to, I did get two of the three most important ones (a cashmere lace scarf for my mom, a bright pink wool/fun fur scarf for Johnnie) finished. The third scarf, for our magnificently competent and warm-hearted babysitter Marin, just was not working and I'll have to rethink it. (Or choose a new pattern, since part of the reason it failed was that I kept deviating from the pattern I'd originally chosen, which is always my downfall in knitting, quilting, and life in general....)

I feel like I did well by everyone -- I didn't go overboard at all, just chose gifts I felt they'd really enjoy, and they did. Mom loves the scarf, and Dad loves the maps, trip guides, and satellite image of New Mexico (not just for their visual impact but because they'll just enhance his back-roads motorcycling). My dear husband put me to shame (unintentionally) by giving me a computerized sewing/embroidery machine, one that means serious business (so I'd better start making stuff to sell!). My mom gave us a really cool, convenient composter (serious gardeners, you understand the cool of this), and my dad gave me some amazing astronomy software. (It's especially great since I can actually SEE stars and planets and comets and satellites here!)

The weather has been wonderful: sunny, mid-60s, generally calm -- dry, though, which always gets people here nervous. "Grass needs good snow cover to come back in spring," say the ranchers. And everyone knows a good rancher tends his grass first and foremost.

I need to upload new pictures -- shame on me, I took absolutely none on Christmas morning -- but first I have to retrieve laundry and tend to Lazarus' deepening cough. Time to brew some Osha and put eucalyptus oil in the tea kettle on top of the woodstove.

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