Monday, November 28, 2005

Here comes Santa Claus...

Just a few random notes from America's Outback:

-Thanksgiving was quiet and lovely, with a nice dinner of turkey breast and the usual fixin's, a nappish afternoon, and knitting circle in the evening. I got kudos for Laz's mohair sweater, now finished (pictures forthcoming), a two-color (gasp!) sweater I just started for him, and another project I've finally figured out after three false starts. Laz says he wants a blue hat, so I'll get on that soon since he only has one that fits and it doesn't match his coat (gasp!)....
-Antonio promptly came down with a stomach virus and was out of commission for a few days. Laz and Maggie seem to have had some version of it last week -- it's been constant replays of Carrie around here lately. Nuff said. I was playing the nurse-hero (albeit an occasionally snappish one) and, since pride always goeth before a fall, now I've fallen ill. Now who will clean the toilet and air out the bathroom three times a day?!? Blecchh.
-Just before I got sick, I managed to pack up and remove FOUR big blue boxes of stuff from the house. Project Anti-Clutter will resume shortly.

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