I love my big dog Lucy. Just wanted to share that.
Lazarus went to his first day of preschool this morning, and although he had some anxious moments, he seemed to have a really good time. The teacher was obviously overwhelmed, as I would be were I facing 17 three-year-olds -- 13 boys and four girls (two crying hysterically) -- and my aide hadn't bothered to show up. Gad. My mom and I stayed through breakfast, as did a few other moms and two dads, and at least one mom stayed the whole morning even after a substitute aide showed up.
I didn't cry. Well, I cried last night, because of course I had to start looking at Laz's baby pictures (oh, look how tiny he was! oh, he'll never be that small and tender again!) but also because I still (and will probably always) have some anxiety over his developmental delays. His verbal and cognitive skills seem fine -- definitely a different drummer thing going on, but what could we expect given the boy's heritage -- but his motor skills are way behind, and it's more obvious when he's with other kids who run, jump, dash up steps, and otherwise cavort unfettered. The pediatric specialist we saw in Albuquerque earlier this month did mention the possibility (though impossible to pinpoint or confirm) that something happened during those last few weeks of pregnancy when his heartrate was going irregular, especially after the doc induced labor and things got really dicey. But he came out alright -- I'll always wonder, but he's here, with me, and he's a marvelous boy, and God knows I'm thankful for that.
Anyhoo. Time for bed. Which means I'll be up for another hour at least. Maybe I'll go downstairs and work on a quilt while Lucy nudges my arm and slobbers on my toes.
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