He makes my heart sing. (When he's not making me nuts. Which is often. Gotta love two-year-olds.)
Laz talking so much now, and he works so hard to put words together. I can almost see him clicking them together in his head, this block here, then that one, then that one. It's gratifying to see that the therapy we've been doing the past year has helped him so much, and helped me understand where I can best encourage him. He is losing his idiosyncratic words like "oonie" for airplane and "moonana" for balloon and "buckabeckah" for spaghetti, but he still doesn't quite get the initial "s" on some words, so when he climbs into Maggie's walker and can't get out he calls "Duck! Duck!" And when we were picking up kindling around the woodpile the other day, he brandished a large stick and yelled "BIIIIG DICK!" The boy cracks me up. He can also count to seven so far, no kidding.
I stood Maggie up next to the big chair and she managed to hold on and hold herself up for a few moments -- she looked so dang happy. She wants so much to get into things and move around... I don't think she'll wait till she's 19 months old to start walking, not with such a fascinating big brother to chase.
This month is getting chaotic and will get more so as Antonio prepares to move to Denver, hence the lack of posts... also, the new camera is just crappy. Or I still haven't figured it out -- I'll start using the higher-resolution setting (which gives me maybe 8 shots on the tiny memory card it came with) and see how it does. I've got to get a good shot of Laz and Maggie in their Santa hats....
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