I got some cute pictures of the babies the other day, but the camera didn't do so well -- maybe it needs new batteries. Photoshop helped a bit, I suppose. Anyway, Laz and Maggie are starting to play together, sort of -- Maggie wants to play but Laz still seems a bit ambivalent. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or confusion or what; he does like making her laugh, but he also grabs stuff away from her if he thinks it's his (especially when she starts chewing on it). I'm starting to read books to them both, together, in the evening, which will help them get more used to hanging out with each other. Well, we'll see what unfolds.
We're waiting for a winter storm that could hit us hard or stay north of us -- since the temperature dropped a lot this afternoon, and the dogs keep trying to sneak inside, I'm guessing we'll get some of it. I've got the wood stove going, and both wood boxes are loaded so we'll have dry wood for a few days. I have an urge to make stew and bake bread, too. And keep knitting. I guess if we can't go outside we'll be watching Nemo and Kermit and Pooh a lot this weekend.
I had other stuff to write, but my mind just went blank and the kids will wake up soon from their long, simultaneous naps. So here are the pictures....
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