... we went for a drive yesterday afternoon and watched Ladron peak ("Thieves' Mountain") become golden red as the sun set over the rolling rangeland. Lazarus and I were both having a rough afternoon, and Lucy the dog seemed restless, so I got us all in the car...

... and took off on a dirt road headed north out of town, to nowhere in particular. The road actually does end up in Riley, a (near-) ghost town even further out in the middle of nowhere than we are, and I've heard it eventually winds its way to more major roads that lead back to civilization, but that's a long enough haul that I could drive for quite a while and not see a hint of that. I let Lucy out of the car and let her run for a while, and Lazarus pointed at the mountains and trees and intently explained (in his special banguage) how much they mean to him...

... and we all felt much better when we got home.
If you haven't yet done so, please let your senators know (see entry below for link) that you don't support the wretched energy bill they'll soon be voting on.
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