We got great news the other day: the new baby looks fine (amnio results were normal), and it's a girl!!! So Lazarus will be a big brother sometime next March... and I'll be done being pregnant and can get on with my life! Babies are awesome, but being pregnant kinda sucks. Just had to say that. Before I got pregnant with this one, I was thinking, maybe three or four kids. Now -- uh-uh. It was enough being pregnant by itself; doing it with a toddler is just... not fun, for me or for him. I am starting to feel a lot better, finally, so it's not as hard as it was a month ago, but still.
I can't wait to meet our little Maggie! Magdalena, we'll call her... not sure on the middle name yet, and the first name might even change. We'll see.
I haven't taken pictures of Laz lately, but here are two oldies from about a year ago -- first time sitting up (though hardly first time blowing bubbles!), and first time eating. I still can't believe how much he's grown and changed. I don't see it day-to-day yet hardly recognize him in the old pictures.
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