Wednesday, June 11, 2003

It ain't easy being green, if you're a garden in New Mexico

We just got back from Denver and, let me tell you, it's green there. Leafy flowery long-grass livin'-is-easy green... but it's sunny here, as well as peaceful and family-drama-free, and a few things in my garden are finally maybe doing better than half-dead. The corn suddenly is stalky rather than grassy, and the peppers seem solid if a bit short. The cucumber plant is doing fairly well -- growing slowly, but a bit flea-bitten; the beans just aren't thriving, though, nor are the squash. And the tomatoes just don't seem to want to make the effort... we'll see. I added some cottonseed meal for a small nitrogen boost and will probably add more mulch tomorrow. I don't think I'll be getting a bumper crop of anything this year, not even weeds 'cuz it's too dry for them, even.

Lazarus definitely enjoyed the park in Denver, especially the swing:

and so did Lucy:

Today I put Lazarus in his swing here at home -- had to clean up the logs and bark around it first -- and it broke up what was becoming a long, cranky afternoon. He was happy the rest of the day, probably because of the sunshine and breeze and the silly dog leaping around below him. Lucy's still too rough to play with Lazarus, but he cracks up watching her run around and be goofy. I have some puppy training books now and hope to calm this adorable little beast down a bit...

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