Thursday, December 12, 2002

I'm back. I am shocked that I still have most of my previous posts (yep, mom, they're here!); my ISP lost my Web site last month and I was sure all my blogger archives were gone since I'd migrated the blog to my own site. Nope, I guess Blogger keeps entries on their own servers, too, so let me give them a big *mwah*... now to find a new ISP...

We're adjusting pretty well to Denver -- Lazarus has been pretty sick for the past five days or so, but seems to be getting better except for a hoarse voice and barky cough. He's definitely almost all the way back to being happy, thank God. On Monday and Tuesday my heart was just breaking both because he was so sick and unhappy and because I missed my sunny lil' guy.

So most everyone has already seen this picture, but I'll put it up again: a pumpkin for my pumpkin...

Hey ma, what's this I'm eating?

It's... PUMPKIN? You killed it???

Laz and I went on a lunch date a while back, and the waitress gave him a balloon. He loved it.

Now, most of our stuff is still in boxes (why unpack when we'll surely be packing up and moving again???), so we haven't found Laz's lil' cowboy hat yet. But Pop's fits pretty well. Well, howdy! Now, I'm the sheriff round these parts, so you watch your step, hear?

I got some new photos yesterday and will get those up as soon as I've finished my latest work project, which isn't officially late yet but will be soon. Good mama, bad freelancer.

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