This is Maisy, our new half-boxer, half-mystery dog. We brought her home a week ago Saturday, and the kids have definitely taken a shine to her... Maggie was squealing with delight when I took this shot, but Maisy, now almost six weeks old, didn't seem so thrilled. The kids are learning to temper their excitement and be gentler (Laz finally seems to understand that dragging Maisy by her hind legs might hurt her; Maggie gets it that Maisy yelps when sat on), and they also alert me to pee and poop incidents so I don't step in them later. The paper training is going very slowly.... Lucy is absolutely delighted to have a playmate at last -- after a few days of tentative sniffing and bewilderment, she has accepted Maisy as her new little buddy.

She sleeps a lot -- and more and more at night, thank goodness, though I'm still getting up twice in the night if only to shush her so that her howls and wails of loneliness don't wake the kids up. On Saturday I took her with me (with permission) to a baby shower, since no one was home and I didn't want to leave her alone at home or in my car (I'm spoiling her rotten, I know!), and she fell asleep tucked under my arm, much to the other guests' delight. I take her to the store with me every day now, since Antonio has his hands full with the kids and Maisy needs a LOT of attention (not to mention the paper training thing, which just... ugh), and on the way over I bring her into the post office, the bank... just not restaurants (though that would be cool in France!) or the grocery store. Everybody ADORES her, and she's getting well socialized.
I can hear her and Lucy playing now. I know I'll be up again twice or so tonight, but it's cool.