Wednesday, April 19, 2006
"I'm the decider": A quote from Napoleon himself
Dubya's performance yesterday reminded me of a scene in Disney's The Aristocats, where the yokel hound dog Napoleon moans, "Wait a minute, Ah'm thuh leader! An' I decide when we go."
I know, you had to be there. (If you have children under five who love the movie, you'll get it...)
Monday, April 17, 2006
Dragonflies hovering at sunset

I've been busy making jewelry the past month or two, and am finding it both fulfilling and relaxing. Not to mention it's something I can do downstairs, even with the kids around, which means I get a whole lot more jewelry made than quilts or other objets d'art that require "studio time" upstairs.
Here's more. I'm partway through inventorying what I have so far, then I'll start selling it in town (at our arts co-op, our shop once it opens, and maybe another local gallery or two) and at art shows. I do hope it sells -- I love doing it but I have to make money to support this new habit....
I got some nice Easter pictures of the kids yesterday -- we went on a picnic with Granna and Grandpa to the Bosque del Apache. But the camera is downstairs, and so are the sleeping children, so y'all will have to wait till Wednesday to see those pix. Tomorrow I'm off to Albuquerque to return my parents to the airport, and I might take Lazarus because we haven't had a Mama-Boy outing in a long time. He's great company, and he loves being in the "big city" (my little country boy calls Socorro, pop. 9000, "a really really big city").