Republicans Abandon Ethics Changes
House Republican leaders Monday night abandoned proposals to loosen rules governing members' ethical conduct, as they yielded to pressure from rank-and-file lawmakers concerned that the party was sending the wrong message.
I was about to spam everyone with an urgent call to arms, to flood the US House with protests about its proposed ethics rule changes... but they've already backed down!
Republicans voted to go ahead with another of their controversial ethics proposals and will ask the full House to approve a change that could curtail ethics committee investigations. Under the change, a Republican vote would be required before an inquiry can begin. The committee is evenly divided between the two parties, and under current rules a deadlock means an investigation begins automatically.
Interesting that the
Republicans would vote before beginning an inquiry, and that they're still pushing for any changes in this direction. Shouldn't these law-and-order paragons of good moral values be pushing the other way? Oh, ethics isn't the same as morality, you say? Certainly not in their world view.
Note to mom: I have some pictures on the camera to download, so yes, you'll see the babes again soon!